Center Declares Chandigarh to be Coronavirus Hotspot

Jake Blake

COVID-19 has become a threat to people all around the globe. Ergo, in the month of February, this disease was declared as Global Pandemic. This is a disease the causes respiratory malfunctioning that means as soon as you get incubated with this disease you will face breathing issues. Hence, this can take can make your life-threatening also. Furthermore, keeping the deadly effects of this disease in mind the Indian Government declared lockdown for India from March 25th, 2020.

As of now, the threat has increased a lot, so the central government of the U.T. has declared Chandigarh to be the hotspot of coronavirus. This is recent information and was declared by the government on 15th April 2020, Wednesday.  The U.T. advisor Mr. Manoj Parida said that Chandigarh is there in the list of top 170 hotspots. Further, he said that the people should stay home and help in making Chandigarh from the red zone to the orange zone. This means that if in the next 14 days, no case will be found then Chandigarh will be out from the list of the hotspot.

Moreover, the lockdown in Chandigarh has also been extended to May 3rd, 2020. Chandigarh so far is having only 21 cases of corona but not reported any death.

So, in the crucial times of Coronavirus, we should help the government by staying home. Because social distancing is the only thing that can save us from this pandemic threat of Coronavirus.

STAY HOME! STAY SAFE! Keep checking our blog for more information about Coronavirus.

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