The Growers Turned Into The Borrowers

Jake Blake

India is an agrarian country with around 70% of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture. It is also popularly called as the Agricultural State, which has the largest number of smallholder farmers in the world; estimating to about 600 million. From this huge army of people, within an average of every thirty minutes, one impoverished desperate man or woman gets mingled in a serious debt trap. With the idea to take a loan confirming to pay back later if their supplies increase, they usually take huge credit amounts. Whereas, most of the times they are not ready to return for a fixed duration of time and thus, undergo drastic circumstances, mostly leading to suicides, in general. From the last fifteen years, the tidal wave of farmers had been increasing day by day. By adding salt to this injury, we have noticed that the count of farmer suicide rates has been largest in our history that is approximately 300,000+ and increasing every minute. Shockingly, these figures are not exact and in reality, the count may be more than this also. The major causes of this devastating epidemic are indebtedness ( when the farmers(borrowers) are not ready to pay back their credits in a fixed time interval to the banks and torturing money lenders ), monsoon failures, government policies, personal issues, and family problems. These issues are becoming serious bit by bit and if these remain in progress then one day be our country turn into a graveyard for farmers.

Speaking stats

Observing these statistics, our Maharashtra Government is preparing a sympathetic scheme aiming to free our farmers from indebtedness permanently instead of just giving some money helps. This wonderful idea has been thought up by the Revenue Minister Mr  Chandrakant Patil. This scheme is named as ” FREEDOM FROM DEBT” and a huge sum of amount is used to make it a successful one. As the desired goal of the team to free the suffering peasants from huge debt traps, various procedures are decided to follow upon. This mission aims to give a new fresh start to the struggling farmers by paying off all their previous credits. Mr Patio also told that this yojana is about to start from the succeeding Kharif season. He also ensured that this scheme will surely help the needy and marginal and not to those eligible ones.  The high scale farmers would only be benefited with subsidised input costs and small expenditures.

Decisions to make

Thus, at last, according to my views Mr Patil has taken up a right issue to be worked upon because working just over the things which are already better won’t make our nation ahead, but working over those which really need attentions will surely contribute. I must also say that previously also this issue has been taken up by many but sincerely worked up by a hand full of people only. If this time Mr Patil’s works become successful, it will probably boost up our national incomes too as well as will change the lives of thousand helpless innocents. These needy ones will get a wider view to look upon their lives and start from a new beginning. On the same note, I pray that his works would be free of any exploitation, greed, selfish motives and discrimination.

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