From recent updates, it has been found that Bollywood actor Asif Basra was found dead in a private complex in the northern hilly city that is Dharmshala. These are the updates of Thursday and is very shocking news that another actor has passed away in this pandemic year of 2020. The officials are saying that the actor was found hanging in the complex when the police reached down to the spot. In simple words, Asif Basra died because of suicide, now the question arises why did he do that? There are no answers related to this question yet because the police are still investigating.
Probing further, this is seriously shocking news. However, the police and a forensic team is still there on the spot to investigate and solve down the matter. But further details are still await in this case. Asif Basra was one of the good actors and usually played small roles in movies like Ek Villain,’ ‘Fanney Khan,’ ‘Roy,’ ‘Hichki,’, ‘Jab We Met’ and many others. He also worked on the web shows releasing on Hotstar and many other platforms.
There are so many actors that posted on Twitter after hearing this news of Asif Basra. Hansal wrote that Assif Basra has passed, it is not true. This is very much sad that is can’t even believe that what happened that he took his life down. He was such a pleasing personality then what is the reason behind he did this. Onir the filmmaker wrote that I am still in shock that what is this year 2020 wanting from the people. I can’t even express what am I feeling at present were the words on Onir on Twitter.
Furthermore, actors Kareena Kapoor and Anushka Sharma also gave condolences to his family. And said that may the soul of Asif Basra rest in peace. Everyone is still in shock that what happened out with him why he took so drastic step. However, further updates are still await for but the police and the forensic team are still there on the investigation.
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