Google decided to reopen the premises from July 6th, 2020


Recently and information came out saying that “Google has decided to reopen the office premises from July 6th, 2020.” This statement was made by Google on Tuesday, additionally, they said that in beginning the Google office is going to have 10% capacity and till September with 30% capacity. But this will only happen if conditions will be permitted by the government.

As we all know that Google and its other peer like Facebook closed down the offices and started to work from home in March only due to the tough government instructions after the COVID outbreak. But now a decision has been made to open the offices with just 10% employer’s capacity in the beginning whereas the rest of the people working from home will get an allowance from the companies.

Probing further, Google said that each and every employee will get an allowance of $1000 or the equivalent value in the country they are working. Along with this, they are going to get all the necessary equipment and furniture as it expects a large number of people to work from home only for the remainder of this year. Ergo, they said that these steps are just taken to get rid of the pandemic outbreak of COVID only. Moreover, they said that we are enabling only those people to work in an office that is needed. Hence, a limited number of people are needed in the office and they would return in the office on a limited rotating basis. This was information brought out by Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai through his blog post.

Stay connected to have more information on Google reopening.

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