Confirmed: Pubg to Relaunch in India

Jake Blake

Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle Royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korean video game company Bluehole. Pubg mobile and some other apps were banned by Indian Government on September 2, reason behind the ban was that these apps were engaging […]

Bollywood actor Asif Basra found dead in Dharmshala


From recent updates, it has been found that Bollywood actor Asif Basra was found dead in a private complex in the northern hilly city that is Dharmshala. These are the updates of Thursday and is very shocking news that another actor has passed away in this pandemic year of 2020. […]

Supreme Court grants interim bail to Arnav Goswami


As per the updates, the Supreme Court on Wednesday granted interim bail to Arnav Goswami. Arnav Goswami is the Republic TV Editor in Chief. Along with Arnav Goswami, two other people have been granted bail today by the Supreme Court. The two people who have been granted bail were taken […]

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