Guide to know about one of the famous Indian Temple “The Konark Sun Temple” Odisha


What is Sun Konark Temple?

Sun Konark Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This temple is known for the striking model of ancient artistry, the fluidity of ideas, and also for the pedagogic treasury. In India, it is believed that these ancient monuments have so many hidden mysteries in them and even the archaeologists are not able to find reasons for such mysteries.

One of the most important things that every person should know is that this temple is dedicated to god “Surya” which is “Sun”. Moreover, it has been noted that the first sun rays of the day fall on the entrance of this temple. As noted today, half of the temple has fallen into rack and ruin but still, it holds the charm to captivate. This temple is one of the greatest images of people of old times, it has seen empires rise and fall, identities washed but is still appealing to sensorium even today. Every Indian should once visit this temple to see the beauty of this Heritage Site.


This Konark Temple was built in the 13th century CE by King Narasimhadeva 1. He was hailing from the eastern Ganga dynasty in between the period 1238-1250 CE. Konark Temple was commissioned by the King only but Samantaraya Mahapatra was the one who was there in its charge of construction.

The meaning of Konark in Konark Sun Temple is “Sun” and “Four Corners”. This temple is also referred to as “Black Pagoda” because of its dark façade and was used by Europeans for the navigation of their ships. Additionally, it was believed that the temple can easily draw the ships to the shore because of the magnetic powers. Hence this is was one of the mysterious things that were known about this “Konark Sun Temple”.



This is one of the famous Indian temples and is known for the “Kalinga architecture” and it also includes a depiction of 100 ft high chariot being pulled by horses and wheels. Therefore, this is carved on a single stone only. This temple also portrays the imposing chariot of the sun god and is built of Khondalite rocks. In the early century, the temple was having 230 ft high sanctum which is no longer available. Along with this, there was the availability of 128 ft high audience hall, dance hall, dining hall and this still survives over there.

Probing further, there are 24 intricately designed wheels, 12 ft in diameter which can be seen drawn by the horses. The seven horses over there represent the week and the wheels stand for 12 months whereas the day cycle is represented by the spokes in the wheel. In simple words, this temple tells us about how people in early times used to see the time with the help of the sun.


This temple opens at 6 A.M. in the morning and closes at 8 P.M. in the night. Ergo, it is opened all the seven days in a week.

Therefore, the best time to visit this temple is in the morning because that is the only time when you can see the beauty of this place. One can also witness the three images of Sun God at three directions to catch rays of dawn, noon ad sunset. Each and every person should once visit this beautiful place in the country India.

Last but not the least, Rabindranath Tagore said one line about this iconic temple, and that is “Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man”.

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