Recently from the updates, it has been found that Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has announced the launch of FAU-G. This is a multiplayer game that has been launched by the Bollywood star. This game is a replacement for to PUBG game and the full name of this game is Fearless […]
Indian Government Decided to Banned PUBG and 118 Other Applications
Recent updates are claiming that the Indian government has decided to Banned PUBG and 118 Other Applications. All these 118 applications are going to be blocked just because of the security of the nation. In the interest of “sovereignty and integrity of India, these all applications should be blocked.
PUBG: Government to consider a ban on PUBG game, India
Recent updates are telling the government of India is soon going to impose a ban on PUBG (Players Unknown Battleground). Previously due to increasing tensions between India and China government banned around 59 Chinese apps. This ban on Chinese apps was imposed because the agents discovered that the information is […]
Mad Miramar, P90 weapon and many more updates of PUBG Mobile come out today
The updates of PUBG has been rolled out today, people can now enjoy new updates on of PUBG on their mobiles. The new updates of PUBG mobile are going to Miramar maps, weapons, improvement, and many other things.