Chandigarh Boy “Harshit Sharma” Got Placed in Google for Rs 12 lakh Per Month

Jake Blake

Google, the world’s best company is a dream of everyone. Almost all of us want to a get job in Google Company. It is a renowned company in the world.

Harshit Sharma, Chandigarh boy who got placed in Google Company at the early age, just after completing his higher secondary education from government model senior secondary school. The Chandigarh boy “Harshit” disclosed that he was interested in graphic designing at the age of 10.

The Chandigarh boy then made a decision that one day he will surely work in Google Company as a graphic designer. Harshit said that he took a training of graphic designing secretly from his uncle.

Who has completed his 12th standard and after which he has taken a training, after which he claimed a job letter of 1.44 crore package from Google. However, the school principal sent his achievement details to the public relation department, Chandigarh administration for press note.

His claim was found out to be a fake after Google denied hiring him. Google spokesperson said that: they currently didn’t have such information of hiring Harshit Sharma from Chandigarh, India.

The school principle Indra Beniwal said “she didn’t believe that the letter could be fake as a boy sent the picture of it on her Whatsapp number and also, his excellent academic record let her believe that the offer from Google is true.

School education Director Rubinderjit Singh Brar said that he has launched an inquiry about a fake offer letter.

However, if you look at the letter there are so many spelling mistakes and has comic sans font in it which will be never used by a corporate on its official head letter, the style of presentation in it itself an alarming bell for a fake offer.

Media has tried to contact the Chandigarh boy who claimed to be hired by google, his mother said he is under stress and under medical supervision. His contact numbers were also switched off after the incident.

His face book pages status stated that he works in Google as graphic designer and lives in California. Harshit parents admitted that it is his mistake as stated by her school principal.

Well, for now, the focus has been shifted more on the investigation that from where he got an offer letter because he is the only one who knows who is behind the letter and how it came up into his possession.

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