Will The Work Environment Change In The Future?

Sahil Arora

Definitely. The reason. Technology. There are lots of changes that will happen in the future. Will you believe that nearly ten percent of the jobs after two decades are not existent today? In the future, a college degree will be only in name and used as a medium to build basic skills and knowledge.


1. Continuing Education

Workers in the future will have to continue upgrading themselves in their respective field. To remain in tune with the recent developments in technology, workers may have to enroll in flexible online programs.

After five years, companies will also change their policies to accommodate the learning skills of workers. They will, opt for re-skilling (is that the perfect word, I wonder though), the workers who have the desire and passion to learn new technologies.

2. Attitude of Workers

The attitude of employees will also change. The millennials do not approve of the hard working and less working concept. They seem to view life in the range of work-happiness balance. They like to go and spend time with their family two days a week. Many housewives will be a part of a the job force, but as independent contractors.

3. Corporate Ladder

Two decades ago, every bookstore used to be filled with motivation books on how to move up the corporate ladder. But now, the category is fast losing its SHINE. Since the last decade, the arrival of start-ups have brought one major advantage to the industry. The disappearance of corporate ladder. There was a time, when only loyal employees climbed to the top but they have to wait for the promotion at the company’s own sweet time. But it has vanished, as companies have moved to the digital age.

While the corporate ladder is only focused on the top, in recent times, the infrastructure has become flat. Now, ideas are encouraged along vertical, horizontal and even diagonal paths. Companies have encouraged employee participation to take the business forward by introducing platforms when they can share ideas.

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Bangalore can be called as the city of Start-ups, at least in India. Let us take an example. After spending nearly 15 years in the hospitality industry, your elder brother started a popular business services  of CCTV and AC repair in Pune and Bangalore. As per the recent trend, he will have a small key office, with minimum members on board. He will definitely have young enthusiastic persons who will be bursting with ideas and energy to prove themselves. This is the same scene which the future holds in store.

4. Artificial Intelligence

When automation is so close, can artificial intelligence be far behind? Now, in malls, scanners are used to view bills, you do not have to stand in a bank for withdrawing money. You can do a online transaction. It is quite common to see robots in factories, warehouses in countries such as Japan.

5. Restructuring of Roles and Weekends

As per a recent research, nearly twenty percent of the jobs will have disappeared by 2030. Automation has been perfected on a large scale. Permanent jobs will be few as automation can replace many white collar/blue collar jobs. It is the independent contractors/free-lancers who will make a mark. But they will also create new opportunities and jobs. There is a new statement doing the rounds – Automation can never eat work.

6. Contractory Employees

Similar to the cloud, where any client can get the service from a remote place, there will been an increasing pool of free-lancers who can provide job from various locations. Some of the popular online platforms are Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and Upwork.

The advantages of hiring these type of workers are many – instant access, no recruitment process, no sick leaves etc.

7. Older Workers

With wages becoming low, it is mandatory that everyone will stretch their work ages beyond sixty. It is also well-known that health coverage has increased the human life. But, soon, technology has to find jobs that can suit these older generation workers.


The thought of a machine replacing your work may seem negative, but look at the positive side. They can make us concentrate on more positive thoughts to change the word. In fact, humanists believe machines, robots and software programmes are giving us freedom to engage in more creative activities. Don’t you think that many of our workforce are engaged in the same physical, repetitive, predictable activities? If the change comes, then getting jobs for this type of workforce will become a big challenge. So, the companies as well many among the workforce will have to gear up for the new type of challenges.

But not all jobs will face the challenges. You will never like a robot conveying the condolence message or a congratulatory greetings. Let us, as human beings, hope for a better future, not only for mankind, but for the future of Mother Earth.

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